Loyallist Beauty Rewards Loyallists receive a $25 Reward for every $150 you spend on Beauty items. Offer valid on items labeled "LOYALLISTS: $25 REWARD FOR EVERY $150" online; see sales associate for information regarding eligible items in store. All other items are excluded from the offer. Valid online and in U.S. stores only February 6 - February 10, 2025. Online purchases must be made by 11:59pm ET on stated offer end dates to earn power points. Certain designer, brand and leased department exclusions apply. Your Total Points Balance must equal 5,000 points to receive a Reward. Rewards cannot be redeemed in Nespresso shops, exchanged for cash, used to purchase Bloomingdale's Gift Cards, or used as payment on Bloomingdale's account balance(s). Points are not earned in Nespresso shops, at restaurants in Bloomingdale's, on store services, sales tax, select Bloomingdale's charitable program fees, purchases of third party products sold in billing inserts, and purchases shipped outside the U.S. or its territories, or when redeeming Bloomingdale's Gift Cards and Rewards. On January 1 of each year, 85% of unused points will be forfeited. Qualifying purchase must take place at one register and be on one receipt. If multiple point offers are available based on your purchase, you will only receive points for the best offer. You are not eligible for the offer if you pay with a card that is eligible for an employee discount offered by Bloomingdale’s or its affiliates. Offer not valid in Bloomingdale's The Outlet Store. See bloomingdales.com/loyallist/termsandconditions for complete program details. |