From: Forbes | Topline Breaking News - Monday Mar 29, 2021 12:02 pm
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The WHO’s study into the origins of Covid-19 has determined that the coronavirus was most likely transmitted from bats to human through another animal and noted it was “extremely unlikely,” that the virus had leaked from a lab, the Associated Press reported citing a draft copy of the report which reaffirms what scientists have been saying for a while, although several questions remain unanswered.

Key Facts

The Associated Press obtained a “near-final version” of the report from an unnamed Geneva-based diplomat from a WHO member country.

The study, which has been jointly conducted by the WHO and China, recommended further research into all areas except the lab leak theory, which has been propagated by some prominent figures including former CDC chief Dr. Robert Redfield.

The report lists possible theories on the origins of the coronavirus from most to least likely, starting with transmission to humans from a bat through a secondary species, followed by direct transmission from bat.

The theory pushed by China—that the virus spread through “cold-chain” food products—is reported as possible but not likely. 

According to AP, the report notes that the closest relative of the coronavirus has been found in bats, but adds that the “evolutionary distance” between the bat virus and the one that infected humans is estimated to be “several decades”, suggesting a “missing link” or intermediate species.

According to the report, similar viruses have been found in pangolins—suggesting they could be the missing link.

Key Background

Determining the origins of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 have become a political issue as China has looked to deflect blame. The virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in late 2019—which is where many believe it originated. China has attempted to dispute this theory by suggesting that the virus was imported into the country through frozen food. On the other extreme, Former U.S. President Trump and members of his administration—including the former CDC chief—have pushed the theory that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan despite no evidence supporting this claim.

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