Lace up and listen up: Ours is the age of good-lookin’ fitness gear, and we tested it all to bring you the best of the best. —Ali Finney, associate commerce director
Every year our editors hit the gas to bring you the GQ Fitness Awards. We sweat the small stuff when it comes to performance fabrics, fitness watches, running shoes, protein powders, recovery tools, gym equipment—the list goes on as the miles tick up. It's our time to shine—or at the very least schvitz a little. While we can't help you bench three plates or instantly improve your marathon PR, we can—and do—insist that you work out with the best of the best when it comes to gym gear.
What does that entail this year? Spray-on running shoes that helped a marathoner win Boston. A pile of workout drip that is simultaneously high-performing and cool as shit. Bikes that make cranking down a dirt road feel less dusty. Pilates reformers. High-carb drinks. And, as you'd imagine, a new Apple Watch. Whether you get your fitness fix in a squat rack or on the road, in the ocean or on the golf course, the gear here will get you amped to get after it. —Tyler Chin
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