God gives his stinkiest, swampiest battles to his strongest soldiers. The battle? A dank groin. The soldiers? The best men's underwear. You might not realize it, but the least visible article of clothing in your closet is also the most crucial. Sure, you could conscribe an average pair of skivvies to fight the good fight against putrid nether regions and probably make it out OK. But unscathed and unchafed? Definitely not. If you want to emerge victorious (i.e. gloriously dry and smelling great) in that particular war zone, you need to enlist the cream of the crop.
Whether you prefer boxer briefs or boxer shorts, it should be a requirement that they’re comfortable, and made from quality fabrics that are soft to the touch and breathable against the skin. (They should also offer you sufficient support without a shred of discomfort, because no one has time for bunching or chafing.) And that’s before we even get to how they look on you. In a word: Flattering—they’ve really gotta be flattering.
So to help you refresh your drawer drawers, we assembled a panel of GQ staffers to test an arms-full of undies based on fabric, fit, and function—in aggregate, the best men’s underwear for every budget, taste, and body type. Oh, and if you’re interested in pledging your allegiance to one label and one label only, double-check our guide to the best underwear brands for men, too.