Make a big difference for your health and the planet
You can make a world of difference with small changes to what you eat and how you do it. Food plays a major role in our health – and its production, processing and disposal has a huge impact on the environment. Here are some ways you can eat healthier and more sustainably.
Plant-based foods make less of an impact than meat and dairy products, and they can be just as delicious, too! Our HUVUDROLL plant ball is totally meatless, 100% yummy and it only has 4% of the climate footprint.
If you have a garden or a balcony, you can make compost from most kitchen scraps rather than send them to a landfill. And keeping all your boxes, jars and cans organized for recycling is easier than ever with our simple storage solutions.
Up to a third of the world's food supply goes to waste each year. Small changes to your kitchen habits, like storing leftovers and shopping smarter, can reduce waste and help you eat healthier.