From: The Khan Academy team - Monday Mar 09, 2020 05:55 pm
Do you sometimes feel stressed from juggling school, friends, family, and extracurricular activities? If so, don’t worry! You’re not alone. We’ve got you covered! Sal’s recorded a few short meditations to help you relax.
Khan Academy
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Do you sometimes feel stressed from juggling school, friends, family, and extracurricular activities? If so, don’t worry! You’re not alone. We’ve got you covered! Sal’s recorded a few short meditations to help you relax.

You may be wondering—what is meditation? Why should I do it? Meditation, a simple practice of mindfulness, can help you reduce stress and improve your focus. Watch this quick introduction to meditation from Sal.
When you’re ready to start meditating with Sal, check out these videos. They’re short—about 10 min or less—and introduce you to simple techniques you can use immediately.
Meditation doesn’t need to take a lot of time. Even a few minutes a day can be helpful. We hope these videos can help you manage your stress so you can do better at school or whatever you set your mind on. To stay updated about future meditation videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

The Khan Academy team
*If you've experienced a trauma in your life, please speak to a caring adult or school counselor before starting meditation.
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