From: Lizzie and the Khan Academy team - Tuesday Mar 23, 2021 04:40 pm
Keep Khan Academy Going
A year ago, school buildings around the world closed suddenly. Millions of people turned to Khan Academy to keep learning, and we've been there for them ever since. And your recent support made that possible. Thank you!
Khan Academy
Hi EmailTuna EmailTuna,
A year ago, school buildings around the world closed suddenly. Millions of people turned to Khan Academy to keep learning, and we've been there for them ever since. And your recent support made that possible. Thank you!

But our work is not done, and we need your help again.
Educators estimate that children are likely to lose five to nine months—or more—of learning by the end of this school year, especially in math.* Research into past learning disruptions tells us that the impact on students’ future education, health, and earnings may last decades.**

With your support, we can ensure children, teachers, and parents have the resources they need to move ahead. Can you renew your support today?

Thank you for your support!
Stay well,
Lizzie and the Khan Academy Team
*“COVID-19 and Learning Loss-Disparities Grow and Students Need Help.” By Emma Dorn, Bryan Hancock, Jimmy Sarakatsannis, and Ellen Viruleg, McKinsey & Company, December 2020 article.

**“What a Wave of Teacher Strikes in Argentina Can Teach Us About Learning Disruptions, Degree Attainment, Higher Unemployment & Lower Earnings”, by Chad Aldeman, August 2020 article.
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