In the biggest educational crisis of our lifetimes, your gift of $153.75 made a big difference. Thank you!
Though it has been an incredibly difficult year, we are finally, finally starting to get back to normal.
But do we want to go back to “normal?”
No. Not when we can do so much better. Now is the time to jump-start new and better ways to learn in and out of the classroom.
But we need your help. We have a goal of 12,000 new contributions this month so that Khan Academy can supercharge learning for teachers, students, and you.
Khan Academy is moonshot ambitious about educating the world and nose—to—the—grindstone serious about how hard that is. We are asking you to renew your support so that we can arm teachers, students, and parents with the tools they need to make sure every kid can reach their full potential!
With gratitude,
Lizzie and the Khan Academy Team
P.S. Would you consider an
increased gift of $1,000 today to join our exclusive Learners Fund community? Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about the Learners Fund!