*Here are the details:
Mystery sale Save 25, 30, 40, 45 or 50% on reg. price and clearance styles. Offer valid in stores, select evsieβ’ stores, and online at maurices.com now through 11:59pm CT on November 13, 2023. Exclusions may apply. Offer not valid on previous purchases, the purchase of gift cards, online gift certificates or charity items. Discounts given at the time of purchase will be deducted from returned merchandise. In the event of a return or exchange, discount will be forfeited and may not be reused. Not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents. Not valid with other promotions, coupons or discounts. Discount will apply automatically in shopping bag. Show email in store to redeem.
Sweaters and sweatshirts now only $20 to $25 Reg. price sweaters and sweatshirts now only $20 to $25. Offer valid in stores now through November 12, 2023. Exclusions may apply. Offer not valid on previous purchases, sale merchandise, clearance, the purchase of gift cards or charity items. Discounts given at the time of purchase will be deducted from returned merchandise. In the event of a return or exchange, discount will be forfeited and may not be reused. Not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents. Not valid with other promotions, coupons or discounts. No coupon needed in stores.
30% off pants, jeans, & more 30% off select reg. price styles. Offer valid in stores now through 11:59pm CT on November 12, 2023. Exclusions may apply. Offer not valid on previous purchases, the purchase of gift cards, online gift certificates or charity items. Discounts given at the time of purchase will be deducted from returned merchandise. In the event of a return or exchange, discount will be forfeited and may not be reused. Not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents. Not valid with other promotions, coupons or discounts. No coupon needed in stores. |