From: MeUndies - Thursday Mar 08, 2018 02:26 pm
Join us for International Women's Day and beyond. |
Our Promise | International Women's Day | We believe that when you feel good, anything is possible. That's why today, on International Women's Day 2018, MeUndies is taking a pledge to foster a work environment that empowers women to lead, thrive, and grow. Take a journey with us as we affect change in our little corner of the world.
Check the Pledge
Make a Difference | Join Us & Donate | In celebration of International Women's Day, we're donating 20% of today's sales to The Downtown Women's Center. The Downtown Women's Center is the only organization in Los Angeles focused exclusively on serving and empowering women experiencing homelessness by offering development resources, counseling, and more.
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Ⓒ 20‌18 MeUn‌dies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
36‌50 Holdr‌ege Ave, Lo‌s Ang‌eles, C‌A, 900‌16, USA

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MeUndies · 3650 Holdrege Ave · Los Angeles, CA 90016 · USA