Celebrate the world-renowned Hindu ‘festival of colors’ on an enchanting adventure through the northern state of Rajasthan. Discover the opulence and splendour of Maharajahs' palaces, search for the elusive Bengal tiger in the stunning surrounds of Ranthambhore National Park, and get among the colorful festivities in the beautiful town of Bundi.
Rose-hued cities, time-worn desert forts and holy rivers – discover North India on this 22-day tour. From ancient ruins that punctuate peaceful countryside and everyday city life that swirls with colour and noise, India’s energy will leave you giddy with excitement and sporting a smile that’s wider than the Ganges.
Unplug from everyday routine and head to the beaches and backwaters of southern India. Explore the lush landscapes, intriguing religions, exotic bazaars and incredible contrasts of this region.
Our customers have helped us to send over $95 million to artisans around the world. Impact the artisan causes closest to your heart with every purchase you make.
We relaunched our Instagram page to reflect the vibrancy of the cultures and places we love. Discover what we mean when we say NOVICA is color!
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At NOVICA, happiness is our mission, and love is at the core. Here are the ten choices and one core value that we live by.