From: NOVICA News - Saturday May 02, 2020 01:10 pm
For moms, for yourself, and for everyone you love - arrives before May 10 if ordered today. Artisan moms are relying on our support during these turbulent times.
With our extended safety measures and precautions, we are still operating so artisans can keep generating income and keep food on their tables while staying home and keeping themselves and their families safe.
This means we can still ship beautiful gifts like these scarves from Guatemala to arrive in time for Mother's Day.
We're ready and waiting! Thank you very much for your support and confidence during this time.
Your support provides a lifeline to artisans during the COVID-19 crisis
A message from the K’amolon K’i K’ojonel in Guatemala
"Thank you very much for your support! Our group of 167 women artisans solely depend on income from weaving to support their families. Payment for our bags, scarves and shawls sold to NOVICA customers is the only payment we've received during the last month.
With public transport in our area now limited, and due to our own health precautions to keep everyone safe, only small groups of women can come to the workshop over the next few weeks - but we are working hard to keep our items in stock.
We thank you a lot for still buying our items, and for supporting the women in Solola, Guatemala. God bless you."
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*Items from our Central American region are currently guaranteed to arrive to delivery addresses in the contiguous US by May 10, 2020 if ordered with Express Shipping selected at checkout, on or before May 5, 2020. Shipping guarantees are subject to change as we adapt to fluid international shipping restrictions caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
At NOVICA, happiness is our mission, and love is at the core. Here are the ten choices and one core value that we live by.