From: NOVICA News - Monday May 04, 2020 04:01 pm
So many of the jewelry artisans in NOVICA's global family are moms themselves - so a gift purchased from them is packed full of even more meaning and love!
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Jewelry for Moms (by Moms)
So many of the jewelry artisans in NOVICA's global family are moms themselves — so a gift purchased from them is packed full of even more meaning and love!

Artisans like Zandra Sajbin (see her heartfelt message below) pour their love and passion into every piece, often motivated by personal missions to give their children a better start in life than they were able to have.
A Message from Zandra
"I grew up in an orphanage, so I really missed out on having a mother figure. That's why I fight every day so my children have the love I didn't have and at the same time, they fill every void that my childhood left inside me. The best gifts they can give me are their love and hugs, and I wouldn't exchange that for anything in the world."

"This past month and a half that we've been home together has left us many wonderful moments. I'm still working, as the workshop is inside my house, but I dedicate more time to my kids. I hope we can get through this lockdown soon so they can go back to school and I can continue working."

"Without tourism here, my income from my jewelry has been limited. So I’m so thankful for still selling my pieces to customers like you. This is our main source of income at the moment and I hope it will be for many years to come."

"Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day!"
Shop from Zandra  →
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