From: NOVICA News - Saturday Jun 24, 2023 01:30 pm
Johnny Jimenez
Johnny Jimenez | The Andes
“Novica has changed my life. Before, my house was practically made of cardboard and wood. In 2016, we began to improve it. Today we have a beautiful family home thanks to my sales at Novica. I am extremely grateful that today I have financial peace of mind, and the gratitude of providing my children with an education."
Liliam Vivan
Liliam Vivan | Brazil
“I always get emotional when talking about this partnership. Before Novica, I had bank debts and depended on family members to support me. I worked for free, trying to establish partnerships with companies. Novica was a watershed in my life. I feel gratitude to this welcoming company, which has the noble mission of making the work of artisans and designers known and recognized, and making our lives better.”
Francis Agbete
Francis Agbete | West Africa
“Since I joined Novica in 2003, I have succeeded in gaining international recognition. This has shaped my life. The steadiness of my Novica sales has resulted in my family being able to rely on me. All my children are in good schools. This has been possible through my Novica sales.”
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