Our Petco locations and in-store experts are here to help bring your pet their total health and wellness needs. Visit us today to check out our wide range of products and exceptional services, and remember that your pet is always welcome to join!
An easier way to manage your services and orders in one convenient place.
*Online Only. Vital Care members earn 3 points/dollar spent on pet food and supplies from 10/8/24-10/13/24. Petco Pay members earn 4 points with Petco Pay credit card. Points issue 24-48 hours after shipment. Not valid on new or subsequent repeat delivery orders.
Product prices displayed in our emails may not match the final price on our website. To view the exact price of a product, please refer to petco.com or the Petco app at checkout.
Exclusions may apply to Vital Care nutrition perks and benefits.
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This message is from: Petco Animal Supplies, Inc., 10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127