Summer is well and truly here now that it's June (in the Northern hemisphere at least) and we sure do need a break from wearing black tees! So for the next 24 hours only, nab these EXTREMELY LIMITED EDITION pink tees for just £9/€11/$12!!! (Feel free to call them salmon coloured tees if that helps you enjoy them)! What makes them limited edition? We've never printed on pink tees before and we have no plans to do them again, so if you want a piece of Qwertee history as well as an AWESOME chic tee, pick yours up now! Stock is very limited! Some sizes are already sold out (3XL is in a different colour for example)! Did you know that all of our designs we have on sale are chosen by people JUST LIKE YOU?! Our INCREDIBLE designers submit their designs for consideration and you get to vote on the designs you most want to see on a tee! This is just one of the many benefits of signing up for an account on and what's more, if you vote for a design, you can choose to be emailed with a discount code if that design goes on sale! Now, as per usual we also have a week of fantastic daily designs starting with this trio, available right now!!! And then following on tomorrow night we have these 3 new very popular designs as chosen by you guys..... You in Your Qwertee... The Qwertee Facebook page is a great way to chat with us about tees, see the latest designs before they go live and help us choose what colours to use for different designs etc. You can also upload a picture of yourself in your Qwertee for a chance to win a free tee and a chance to be featured in our newsletter. This weeks "You in your Qwertee" star and FREE TEE winner Coen who got two tickets to Iron Mando, baby!! Remember, "You in your Qwertee" is the statistically most likely way to win a FREE TEE (trust me, I'm a robot) so get submitting! Sneak Peeks... Sneak Peeks has 54% more sneakiness this week! We're making it slightly harder to identify upcoming designs now so as not to spoil the surprise every day:) Rest assured we've got some super designs coming your way this week as always, here's just a few of them! And the winner is.... Are you a FREE TEE winner? We are now announcing our weekly newsletter FREE TEE winner in each week's newsletter! This week's winners gregh51983! Please email us at from the valid email address we have for you (listed above) to claim your FREE TEE. Be sure to head on over to Qwertee also to see if you have won a free tee this week, our weekly winners will go live tonight (Friday) with our new tee (just check here to see if you have won)...PS for those of you new to our newsletter here's a rundown of all the ways you can win a FREE TEE every week! (1) "Like" our Facebook page We give a FREE TEE to a random fan every week. (2) "Like"/Share or Comment on Qwertee's posts on our Facebook page. Every time you "Like"/Share or Comment on a post = another chance to win so the more you "Like" us the more chances you have to win each week! (3) Follow us on Twitter @Qwertee:. We give a FREE TEE to a Twitter follower each week. Increase your chances further by ReTweeting our posts, every ReTweet = another chance to win! (4) We give a FREE TEE to a random newsletter subscriber every week (this weeks winner is listed above). If you are reading this chances are you are already a subscriber, but if not, sign up now on the homepage! (5) Post a picture of you in your Qwertee to our Facebook page. We feature a fan picture every week in our newsletter and if that is you, you've won a FREE TEE! (6) Follow us on our Instagram page and like our posts. We give a FREE TEE to a Liker every week! PS. More ways to win coming soon. We just can't stop giving away FREE TEES! Finally, we just want to say thanks again for all your help in promoting Qwertee. We really appreciate it and it will help us bring you more and more great designs! Remember, telling strangers on the street where your tee came from is a good idea:) You can CLICK HERE to go see our latest design..... Thanks!