From: Regalo Baby - Wednesday May 08, 2019 02:15 pm
How to help your child sleep while traveling 😴
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Help your child sleep while traveling

Traveling tends to throw our children off of their normal routine. This can wreak havoc on their sleep and your sanity. We have found there are a few things you can do to help you and your little one get more 💤 while on the road. 

Keep as close to your bedtime routine as possible. Even if they are headed to bed a little later than normal, try to keep your pre-bed routine the same. This will help cue them that sleep is coming. 

Use a portable toddler cot. Having your child sleep in bed with you may cause all of you to get poor sleep. Set up a portable toddler bed next to your bed and allow them to be close, but still, have their own sleep space. 

Use electronics to your advantage. Download a white noise or lullaby app for easier sleeping. Hotels can be louder and drowning out that extra noise can be helpful.  

Our My Cot portable toddler cot is foldable and easy to travel with! Give your child their own sleep space while you are not at home. 

You can get the cot for $25.99 on Amazon!
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