From: Scott's Cheap Flights - Thursday May 19, 2022 05:19 pm
🏝️ Aruba — $294-$392
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Today is as good a day as any to book a cheap flight to paradise.

Note that the cheapest fares with United do not include a full-size carry-on. It costs $39 roundtrip to upgrade, if you want overhead bin space with them. A checked bag costs $30-$35 each way with all airlines.

PS- We want to hear about your cheap flight victories. If you’ve taken a trip from one of our deals, click here to tell us all about your adventure!

Your Routes
Normal price: $550+ roundtrip
Aruba AUA
from Roundtrip
Los Angeles LAX
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Travel Dates
Varies by origin. Generally August 2022 through early April 2023, some routes including Thanksgiving but all excluding Xmas/NYE
American (oneworld)
Copa (Star Alliance)
Delta (SkyTeam)
United (Star Alliance)
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Scott’s Cheap Flights