From: Signals - Sunday Dec 17, 2017 05:01 pm
Signals - Gifts That Inform, Enlighten & Entertain

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Your 10% Off Bonus Ends Tonight - Act Quickly

Dear Valued Customer:

Your special email Sign-up offer of 10% off your next order will end Tonight!

Our goal is to offer gifts that "inform, enlighten, and entertain" and with our vast selection of high quality items, you're sure to find something inspirational that you can enjoy, or take pleasure in giving a friend.

We also have some Customer Favorites listed below at very special low prices, and you are welcome to apply your 10% savings to those as well. But don't delay - these discounted prices are in short supply - so don't let them pass you by!


Your friends at Signals

P.S. Don't forget your special 10% Savings ends Tonight!

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