 | | canyons endurance run by UTMB, April 26-27 | As the Official Technical Partner of the UTMB® World Series, we hope to see you at the Canyons Endurance run by UTMB®, April 26-27!
Meet us at the Suunto booth and get your hands on our latest products Suunto Vertical and Suunto Race!
Can't make the event? Follow the action live on https://live.utmb.world/ and watch for event highlights on our social channels.
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| | SUUNTO vertical | Adventure watch for outdoor expeditions and training. | | | | |
| | SUUNTO Race | Ultimate performance watch for racing and training. | | | | |
 | | SUUNTO SONIC | | Bone conduction headphones with excellent sound quality | | | | | |  | | SUUNTO 22MM STRAPS | | Give your Suunto watch a new look with changeable straps.
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#Suunto #adventurestartshere | |
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