You don't need to break up your athletic training like you're a bodybuilder – there aren't upper body days and lower body days. You jump and throw. And if you're throwing correctly, your hips and legs will come into play. If not, well, you need to work on that.
This is where a medicine ball comes in handy. Throwing a med ball from a variety of positions – chest pass, overhead forward, and overhead backward – is probably the most common.
You don't need a million variations – just get good at a few total body throws and you'll reap the benefits. I don't know why everyone wants so much variety when they can barely master one.
A 10-20 pound med ball would probably suit most, but don't confuse weight with being explosive. This isn't a time to measure your pecker by how heavy of a med ball you can use. Go with a lighter ball that allows you to be explosive.
Fifteen to thirty throws before you train would be enough for most people. Don't use this as a conditioning session.
Jumps are all easy to add to your training. Like the med ball throws, do them before your main lifts or on a separate day. Just 15-30 per workout would be a great place to start.
As with any workout, you should progressively work up in intensity. No need to go for max distance or height on the first throw or jump of the day.