From: - Wednesday May 25, 2022 11:16 pm

Hey Alexis,

Marshall here from iHeartDogs. I wanted to reach out to give you an update on the new program we launched last week, Safe & Together.  The Safe & Together project is a giveback program that aims to raise awareness of the reality of women and children in domestic violence situations, as well as help provide a safe space with their furry loved ones. 

Words can not describe the response we received from you, our iHeartDogs community. In just one week you helped raise 4,200 days of shelter and care for domestic abuse survivors and their pets. This is abosouley incredible to say the least. 

What we did not realize is how many of you related to this's what a few of you had to say (names will remain anonymous for the care & safety of our community). 


"I unfortunaelty stayed in a very toxic, abusive relathionsip, because of my one could help..I fully support this and wish more can be done.." - Anonymous 


"I just ordered one of your Safe and Together slouchy t shirts. I wanted to try to help make a difference with this cause because I almost was in this position myself a while back. I was abused with a small child and a Kerry blue terrier and I felt so alone. Thank God I came out of the situation. I am so thrilled that you are bringing emphasis on this issue and I wish you all the luck in the world on raising a whole lot of funds for support." - Anonymous 


I wanted to let you know personally that this program is here to stay and we look forward to helping as many victims as possible get out of these kinds of horrific situtations. For each item purchased, you’ll provide 1 day of safety and care for domestic violence victims to stay at a facility that has the resources to keep their pet with them. 

You can shop the Safe & Together Collection HERE

Or you can donate directly to the program HERE

With your generosity we can help as many people & pets stay Safe & Together forever. 


President of

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