From: LifeHack - Monday Aug 12, 2024 02:36 pm

Hey there,

Have you been watching the US men's basketball team at the Paris Olympics? If so, you've probably noticed a certain 39-year-old phenomenon dominating the court. That's right, I'm talking about LeBron James.

Now, whether you're a fan of LeBron or not, you have to acknowledge the sheer impressiveness of what he's doing. Here's a guy in his 21st NBA season, recently broke the league's all-time leading scorer record (unbroken for 40 years no less), and he's out there running circles around players nearly half his age on the international stage. Team USA won gold, and LeBron's fingerprints are all over their success.

I couldn't help but wonder: How does he do it? What drives a man who's already achieved so much to keep pushing forward, to keep excelling at this level?

The answer, I realized, is deceptively simple: For LeBron James, his most important thing... is his most important thing.

But how true is that for most of us?

Think about it. We all have things we claim are our top priorities - our health, our families, our careers. But if we're honest with ourselves, how often do our actions truly align with these stated priorities?

This is exactly what we at LifeHack mean when we talk about Time/Life Harmony. It's about ensuring that what we say is most important to us is reflected in how we spend our time, energy, and focus.

So, let me ask you this: What do you consider your most important priority, and how does it align with your time, actions, and sense of meaning?

Take a moment to reflect on this.

Now, let's break this down using our Alignment Framework:

1. Time: How much time do you dedicate to your priority?
2. Action: What specific actions do you take towards this priority?
3. Meaning: How does this priority contribute to your sense of purpose?

LeBron's alignment is crystal clear when you look at his actions. Did you know he invests about $1.5 million annually on his physical health and fitness? That's not just talk – it's a massive commitment of time and resources that aligns perfectly with his priority of maintaining peak performance.


But here's the kicker: LeBron understands that his basketball career is the foundation for everything else. It's not just about the game – it's the platform that allows him to pursue longevity, push the boundaries of what's possible, and inspire millions. That's where the 'meaning' part comes in.

He recognizes that by prioritizing his performance on the court, he's able to maximize his impact off the court. His basketball excellence opens doors for business ventures, philanthropic efforts, and social activism. It's a perfect example of how aligning your actions with your most important priority can create a ripple effect of success in all areas of life.

For LeBron, his most important thing truly is his most important thing. But for many of us, there's often a gap between what we say is most important and how we actually live our lives.

Now, I'm not saying we all need to spend millions on ourselves. But we can learn from this approach. Are you investing your time, actions, and sense of purpose in what you claim is your top priority?

If not, you might be experiencing what we call 'misalignment'. Signs include:

  • Feeling constantly frustrated or unfulfilled
  • Making little progress despite feeling busy
  • Saying one thing is important but consistently acting differently

Sound familiar? Don't worry, we've all been there. The good news is, awareness is the first step to realignment.

That's why at LifeHack, we encourage regular priority check-ins. Our "Weekly Life Check-in" prompt in LifeHack All-Access is perfect for this. It helps you stay on track and make those small, consistent adjustments that lead to big changes over time.

Remember, true success – the LeBron James kind of success – comes from ensuring your most important thing really is your most important thing. It's about creating that harmony between our aspirations and our daily actions.

So, I challenge you this week: take a hard look at your priorities. Is your most important thing really your most important thing? If not, what small step can you take today to bring them into alignment?



Founder & CEO @ LifeHack


P.S. If you want to dive deeper into mastering your time and aligning your priorities, I highly recommend our "Time Mastery Framework" course. It's packed with insights and strategies to help you achieve that LeBron-level alignment in your own life.

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