From: Saveur - Saturday May 19, 2018 09:13 am
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flying spaghetti monster

Carbe Diem

I don’t know about you, but there’s something about eating a bowl of hot (or cold) noodles that is just so comfortable. It’s like a hug for your stomach. Noodles aren’t trying to trick you or play games. They’re there to be your friend and to give you some good old fashioned happiness. And there are so many noodle dishes out there.

Let’s start with pasta. The SAVEUR archive is full of amazing pasta recipes. So many that we were actually able to fill an entire issue with raviolis, spaghettis, and gnocchis galore (and if you check out the recipes on our site, we’ve got even more pasta favorites that are a little more...contemporary). Dried or fresh, we really love ‘em all.

Then there’s the world of soups. We’ve got ramen, chicken noodle soup, Mexican sopa de fideo, and some seriously eaty, hearty pho (although you should absolutely 100% try all of these other Vietnamese noodle soups that are not pho too).

Not feeling soups? What about a cold soba noodle salad? Or a perfectly spicy and springy pad Thai? The point is, there are so many options, and you can’t go wrong. So use your noodle and find your favorite noodle recipe to start cooking this weekend.

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