From: Mama Natural - Thursday Apr 04, 2019 07:19 pm

Happy April, EmailTuna!

Baby Faith wearing a bow

Let’s dive right into your three things!

1.) Motherhood can take a lot out of us… both literally and figuratively! It’s so important to replenish ourselves.

A gentle and effective way to do this physically is with homeopathic cell salts. Have you heard of these? Think of them as the “mineral supplements” in the homeopathic world. Unlike other homeopathic remedies, which you only take temporarily for an acute condition, these can be taken regularly to support your overall vitality.

The 12 mineral cell salts were discovered by a German medical doctor and homeopath named W.H. Schuessler (1821-1898) by analyzing the ash of cremated human remains. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ In them, he found that there were significant levels of these 12 mineral salts, and he surmised that these were the “building blocks of the human body” (quiet literally). 

I’ve included a list of Schuessler's twelve cell salts (and what they're typically used for) at the bottom of this message for ya. ๐Ÿ˜‰

For those who feel extra depleted, Hyland’s sells a combination of all 12 cell salts called Bioplasma. As always, talk to your doctor or practitioner to see what’s best for you!

2.) If you’d prefer to get your nutrients from food only, here are some that will give you the biggest bang for your buck.๐Ÿ‘Œ

  • Seaweed ๐ŸŸ: High in trace minerals, particularly iodine, seaweed is a wonderful, restorative food. Many Asian cultures have new moms sip on seaweed broths all day long. Look for seaweeds that have been tested for contaniments.
  • Cultured dairy ๐Ÿฅ›: High in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D, cultured dairy has the added benefit of good probiotics for the large colon.
  • Liver ๐Ÿค: Nature’s multi-vitamin, liver has more B vitamins than any food. Talk about an energy boost! If you want a more appetizing option, go for raw bee pollen (note: be aware that some people are allergic to bee products!)
  • Colored veggies/fruits ๐Ÿ‡: Color = phytonutrients, chlorophyll and antioxidants. Chose dark leafy greens, bright colored berries, carrots, beets and sweet potatoes for lots o' nutrition.

3.) Last week I spoke about the importance of our kids eating crunchy foods for proper jaw development. This goes without saying, but do know that hard foods are for older children (ages 4+) who have all of their teeth.

So what can younger children do? First, know that breastfeeding is UH-MAZING for baby’s jaw and palette formation! If you need to bottle feed, use nipples that are shaped more like a breast. For teething babies and toddlers, let them gnaw on safe wood or natural rubber teethers to help strengthen their jaws. ๐Ÿ‘ถ

Sending you love and enjoy your weekend!



Schuessler's twelve cell salts

  1. Calcium fluoride: This mineral salt is great for bone and teeth formation and issues, as well as, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Calc fluor is also a tonic for the nervous system and fights morning fatigue. 
  2. Calcium phosphate: This mineral salt helps us absorb nutrients from our food and supports vitamin D assimilation. It also boosts the immune system and is wonderful for any kind of recovery. It calms and improves mood as well.
  3. Calcium sulfate: This mineral salt is great for skin issues from acne to eczema to flaky skin. It can also boost motivation and drive. 
  4. Iron phosphate: This mineral salt helps to combat the inflammatory response in the body whether it's from sickness or injury. 
  5. Magnesium phospate: This mineral salt is the pain reliever of the bunch. Great for shooting pain, muscle spasms, cramps, tooth aches, and teething pain. 
  6. Potassium chloride: This mineral salt is tied to the color white. Think white-coated tongue, white pus, white mucus, etc. It can be used externally for a burn. 
  7. Potassium phosphate: This mineral salt is for the nervous system. Use for anxiety, depression, excessive shyness, mental exhaustion, fragile nerves, or if a mental boost is needed. 
  8. Potassium sulfate: This mineral salt is tied to yellow discharge from coughs, colds, boils or fungus issues. It also supports healthy hair and nails.
  9. Sodium chloride: This mineral salt maintains the proper water levels within a cell. As a result, it can help with dry skin, dry eyes, and constipation.
  10. Sodium phosphate: Think of this mineral salt as a natural "alka seltzer." Also known as Nat Phos, this salt helps create pH balance and reduces gas, indigestion, heartburn, and even gout. 
  11. Sodium sulfate: Think of this mineral salt as a “ detox” powerhouse. It stimulates our liver, pancreas and intestines to release toxins and helps relieve nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. 
  12. Silica: This mineral salt helps build hair, nails, muscles and supports the body’s connective tissue. It can also help to expel foreign objects or growths like boils, splinters, etc. 

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