From: Mehdi - Sunday Apr 08, 2018 01:21 pm

Question about Squatting with a bulged disc. Going to rant about sitting and doctors today. First this question, my comments are below...

### QUESTION ###
"hi Mehdi love the site love everything! I would love to start StrongLifts 5x5... the only thing I'm worried about is my back. I have been diagnosed with a slight bulge in the L5 S1 and I have been told that deadlifts and squats can be detrimental to the back?"

*** MY ANSWER ***
I have a slight bulge in L5-S1 too.

The doctors confirmed it through an MRI scan.

In my case the cause seems to be sitting too much to write emails like this one.

Because the week before the MRI I was Squatting 150kg/330lb and Deadlifting 180kg/400lb...

... yet my lower back was fine despite the disc bulge the docs found a few days later.

Sitting was killing my back though (despite my expensive "ergonomic" chair...)

Every day I woke up fine but then my lower back was killing me by noon.

Pain would shoot from my back into my left hamstring/abs.

It was clear a nerve was getting trapped in my spine.

Went back to the doc with my MRI results...

"I can give you painkillers".

"No, thank you"

Painkillers would just numb the pain.

I'd keep doing what hurts without knowing it.

That bulged disc would then turn into an herniated one.

No way.

"I can prescribe physical therapy sessions?"

"What would they have me do?"

"Strengthening your back and teaching you how to lift correctly."


This is going to sound arrogant but...

... what "secret" exercise could that PT give me...

... that would strengthen my lower back more than...


No one who Deadlifts 440lb has "weak" back muscles.

Besides, I was lifting correctly, that wasn't hurting my back.

It's sitting that hurt.

But he didn't ask anything about that.

And yet you know sitting for hours isn't healthy.

It puts constant pressure on your discs while your muscles are relaxed.

Most people slouch which rounds your back and stresses your discs even more.

Do that for eight hours a day at work, two hours in the car plus one hour for eating/toilet...

... then repeat five times a week for several years...

... and it's no surprise so many people get a bulged disc.

That's why I'd argue sitting is WORSE for you back than Squatting or Deadlifting.

But most doctors will never agree.

Because they're afraid you hurt your back more and then *sue* them.

So they cover their ass by telling you to quit lifting weights (or never start at all).

Look, Squats and Deadlifts are NATURAL movements.

You bend through your hips and knees all the time to pick up stuff, make the bed, etc

You can avoid these movements in the gym but you can't avoid them in your every day life.

I believe it's therefore better to "prepare" your back so you don't hurt it when you move.

The simplest way to do that is by Squatting and Deadlifting every week in the gym.

This strengthens your back and ab muscles which then protect your spine.

The key is to start light and use proper form.

Check my guides...

And keep it simple.


P.S. There are TONS of people who Squat and Deadlift despite bulged or even herniated discs. Maybe your back won't agree with it. But the best way to find out is to give it a try by starting light. You know you body better than a doctor. And you can use pain to decide when to continue or stop.

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