From: Mehdi - Friday Apr 13, 2018 01:21 pm

Pisses me off every time I hear quality food is expensive.

The comment first, my comments below...

### COMMENT ###
"Mehdi, You understand that many people cannot afford quality food. We can't all afford REAL FOOD. Bare in mind that if you can afford REAL FOOD then you are very privileged!!"

*** MY ANSWER ***


Obviously there are poor people in our world who really can't afford "quality" food.

But they're usually not the guys trying to get stronger and build muscle...

... who can pay for a gym membership and bogus supplements...

... but who then complain qualify food is "expensive"...

It's a myth caused by these four factors...

1. Junk Food

If you're used to hitting McDoublechin every noon...

... then eating "healthy" will seem a lot more expensive.

But that's just because processed food is so cheap.

It's subsidized and has cheap ingredients inside.

2. Short-Term Thinking

Cheap processed food is MORE expensive in the long run.

It comes with "hidden costs" like obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc

Quality food may cost more, but it's an INVESTMENT in yourself.

The better you eat, the stronger and healthier you get.

That means you get less sick.

I rarely go to the doctor and don't take medication.

Big savings thanks to "expensive" quality food.

3. Eating Out

People are now spending MORE on eating out than groceries.

Too lazy to cook, too lazy to learn how to cook.

Let's just "outsource" cooking...

... by DRIVING around to eat out...

... while our expensive kitchens gather dust...

... and so we save time to watch cooking programs on TV.

Guess what?

You PAY for all that.

For years, 90% of the foods I ate were home-cooked.

Big savings again.

4. Throwing Away Food

People throw a ton of food away every week.

They cook too much food and throw away left-overs.

They buy vegetables and then let them go bad.

I never throw food away.

My parents taught me to finish my plate - some people don't have food!

Big savings again.

Lifting weights further saves money.

Because it also makes you stronger and healthier in the long run.

Keep it simple.


P.S. By the way, there are TONS of people with high incomes who eat shitty food all day long too. And eating "quality" food doesn't mean you have to eat organic. You can keep it simple at first by just focusing on non-processed whole foods. Simple is always best.

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