From: Mehdi - Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 01:22 pm

Three keys to gain 25lb/12kg of muscle in a year. First this question, my comments are below...

### QUESTION ###
"I was just wondering how much weight I could gain in a year? I am fairly new to working out and I thought the five rep range couldn't generate a decent amount of muscle , so can this program get me heavier as well as stronger?"

*** MY ANSWER ***
You can gain 25lb/12kg of raw muscle in your first year.

I've done it, my brothers have done it and tons of people have done it with StrongLifts 5x5.

Here are the three keys to make it happen...

1. Get Stronger

Double your Squat from 60kg/135lb to 140kg/300lb and you'll have bigger legs. Double your Bench from 50kg/110lb to 100kg/220lb and you'll have a bigger chest. Double your Deadlift from 90kg/200lb to 180kg/400lb and you'll have a bigger back. Because the heavier the bar, the harder your muscles must work to lift it. The rep range is less important than the weight. Five reps just work better because you can lift heavier. More strength is more muscle.

2. Eat Right

Re-read my email from yesterday about the house building analogy. You need enough protein and food to build muscle. You also need enough food to recover from your workouts and fuel them. If you want to get big and bulky, you must eat more than your body burns. If you want to get leaner, you must eat less than it burns. Training is by itself not enough to get bulky or lean. It just builds the muscle. Nutrition is what makes your muscles bigger and/or visible.

3. Be Consistent

The average guy can gain about 2lb/1kg of muscle a month. I'm not talking about weight but raw muscle tissue. That means you can't expect to look like Arnold or Ronnie after just three months of training. Building muscle takes time and there's not one program or supplement that will build it faster NATURALLY. Consistency is therefore *crucial*. You must focus on getting stronger and eating right for a year in order to accumulate those 25lb/12kg of raw muscle gain.

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P.S. So if someone says they gained 20lb/10kg in three months, they mean weight gain. Bigger muscles store more water. Add fat gains and extra bone mass from lifting heavy and you can get those bigger numbers. But raw muscle gains will rarely be over 2lb/1kg a month. Unless they're genetic freaks or drug-users...

Similarly, some people gain zero weight on the scale because they build muscle while losing fat. Gain 25lb/12kg of raw muscle while losing 25lb/12kg of fat and you'll still weigh the same a year later. But you'll look totally different in the mirror. Your clothes will fit differently too and you'll probably need new ones.

It all starts here...

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