From: Mehdi - Thursday Feb 28, 2019 12:27 am
we got something new for you.... 

It’s been a while. Are you still lifting?

Because I am. And I’ve got something new to help you get stronger.

It’s called the 21-Day StrongLifts Challenge

Click here to join

Here’s what this is about:

* 21+ days of motivation, guidance, and support

* PRIVATE INVITE to the Official StrongLifts Facebook group

* Access to me, Mehdi, inside the private StrongLifts Facebook Group

* Ongoing support and advice from me and thousands of StrongLifters

>> Ready? Click here to join

Why am I doing this?

Because thousands of StrongLifters are lifting weights each week. They use the app and send me tons of questions each day asking for advice.

So I thought it’d be easier to create a place for you to ask questions, get advice on training/nutrition, get feedback on your form, and learn form other StrongLifters. After all, it’s hard to get results when you’re on your own. You’re more likely to succeed when you have support from other people trying to achieve the same goal (or who have already done it).

So from now you’ll be able to get support in the official StrongLifts Facebook group.

It’s 100% free.

>> Don't Wait! Click here to join us

See you inside.

Keep it simple.


P.S. If you have a question you'd like me to cover in a FB live video - post it in the new Official StrongLifts Facebook Group! Please keep it short and to the point, 2-3 sentences max. Don't send a whole book :)

P.P.S. If you don't want to miss on my daily emails tips to get stronger, add me to your safe sender lists. Here's how:

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