From: TED Talks Daily - Sunday Jun 05, 2022 12:01 pm
How to Navigate a Life Transition
Turning upheaval into growth


How to master a life transition

17:51 minutes · TEDxIEMadrid

How do you navigate life's growing number of transitions with meaning, purpose and skill? Writer Bruce Feiler offers a powerful way to handle uncertain, painful and confusing times -- or "lifequakes", as he calls them. Learn how to equip yourself with the essential tools and mindset to ride out (and rewrite) the toughest chapters of your life story, and turn unease and upheaval into growth and renewal.

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Playlist of the Day

Talks to remind you that your story isn't over

Talks to remind you that your story isn't over

Feel like you can't recover from a major setback? Let these talks remind you that this is not the end -- there is much more left to your story. Watch »

11 talks